Connie Lo is the co-founder of Three Ships Beauty, a Toronto skincare brand dedicated to being an effective, transparent, natural brand. 

As a fellow Toronto entrepreneur we love supporting, following and cheering each other on. Three Ships is a must have and a favourite. We chatted with Connie about her fav products, what she wants next from THIC & more. 

Checkout our full Q&A with Connie below...

Q: What is a product you always have with you?
A: Does my water bottle count? Haha but in all seriousness, I also always have my Three Ships Buttercream Hydrating Lip Mask on me. It's the only lip product that's actually helped to keep my lips soft and moisturized in between my back-to-back Zoom calls.

Q: What is an outfit that never fails you?
A: Crop top, pleather black pants, an oversized blazer, and statement gold hoops

Q: What was has been your worst ever hair experience?
A: My mom brought me to a $8 haircut on my 10th birthday. It was so bad I couldn't stop crying! What a way to kick start my big 1-0.

Q: How You Use Your THIC?
A: I love using my  THIC hair oil  when my hair's still slightly damp after the shower, to seal in all the moisture and prevent frizz.

Q: What do you do to feel most confident? 
A: Go hard at a really intense high intensity workout like F45. Nothing beats that feeling of knowing you gave it your all, and focusing on the movements helps reduce anxiety. 

Q: What advice would you give younger Connie?
A: Comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on your lane and enjoy the ride.

Q: Can you share something you are currently working?
A: Not checking my phone first thing in the morning!

Q: What is something you are manifesting?
A: Three Ships Beauty at Sephora worldwide. It'll happen one day!

Q: Lastly, what do you want THIC to launch next?
A: A dry shampoo that doesn't leave a white cast or icky feeling in my hair.

Shop Connie's favourite THIC product

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